The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is launching its 2015 “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign with a series of powerful new ads featuring former smokers who suffer from smoking-related illnesses, including vision loss and colorectal cancer.

Beginning March 30, these ads will run for 20 weeks on television, radio, billboards, online, and in theaters, magazines, and newspapers.
CDC’s successful Tips national tobacco education campaign has helped prompt millions of smokers to try to quit since it began in 2012. It has also proven to be a “best buy” in public health by costing just $393 to save a year of life.

“These former smokers are helping save tens of thousands of lives by sharing their powerful stories of how smoking has affected them,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. “These new real-life ads will help smokers quit, adding years to their lives and life to their years.”

I don’t smoke; however, Dr. Tom Frieden’s approval of the CDCs focus on cigarette smoke as the cause of significant health issues is a joke. Get with the program Tom – the biggest cause of cancer IS: PROCESSED FOOD and its direct correlation to OBESITY! Obesity, NOT smoking, is the true cause of colon cancer. Let’s take Julia for example or Bill who claims “smoking” is what made his diabetes worse. Lose weight and add years to your life – that should be the mantra Tom.

Dr. Otto Warburg stated: “for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, “the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” Read more here.

I’ve seen more people walking around town carrying a good 50 to 100 extra pounds than people walking around with a cigarette dangling from their lips…and yet, cancer rates of all kinds skyrocket.

Dr. Frieden, get real – put out a true educational piece to help people in the U.S. and around the globe prevent cancer and promote health. Focus on what an individual eats, not what they smoke. It might be risky Tom, but it is the courageous thing to target.